Friday, March 22, 2013

Optimism 5.0

We received word from SCI that our embryo transfer was performed, so we are officially once more in the dreaded two week wait.

We are grateful to everyone at SCI for arranging this so quickly, and doing everything they can medically to make this a positive outcome.  We are cautiously optimistic that this time will be our time!

Again, we have to acknowledge all the kind and generous support we have received from the surro-community, in person, through comments on the blog, and via emails relaying best wishes, personal accounts, and encouragement to stay the course.

It really does help to not feel alone in this process, and to know others have faced similar setbacks with eventual success.  One person shared their favorite quote, which I will paraphrase:

"Greatness comes not from what we accomplish, but from what we overcome."

I find the quote very inspirational, but it is frustrating to have to be patient and persevere. 

But we will. 

We must. 

Because a child will be worth it all. 

Because of the greatness of becoming parents.


  1. Positive vibes and tons of baby dusts! May the force be with you :-)

  2. Wishing you and your partner the best. Hang in there Ben.

  3. I think you guys will be fine, the first time is a 68% the highest in the world with SCI the second time it goes up to 92% I think I read. I know when I did my first time I told Dr. Shivani to dump all 23 eggs in my surrogate so I could get preganant but she refused telling me I would have 10 babies. I said I dont want a littler LOL. They put in 4 and I got one, and I am telling you its the greatest feeling. Once your pregnant, let me know ill hook you up with a DNA clinic in Arazonia who is the fastest in the country 36 hour turn around. Have any qeustions can also ask me or e-mail me to exchange phone number as i am just above you in Wisconsin.


    1. LOL Michael, we would love to have a brood eventually, but all at once would definitely be a challenge. Thanks for the support.

  4. Hey Ben, it took us sometime to acheive a pregnancy, we are at our 5th & 6th attempt with only seven weeks to go. The journey is not easy, fingers crossed that the universe sends you the little soul you have been waiting for.

  5. Good good luck and loads of babydust to you!! xxx

  6. So excited for you! It's your turn. Sending great vibes your way.
